In response to the demand for easier access to sea-level projections, a web mapping tool has been produced within the ERA4CS INSeaPTION and ECLISEA projects:
The tool allow users to vizualize and download projections of sea-level rise over the 21st century, including projections of the 5th assessment report of the IPCC (Internal Panel on Climate Change) and low end projections ( It also includes interactive features allowing to produce user-defined scenarios based on assumptions on glaciers, ice-sheets, etc. The tool will be extended to include high-end projections as well as those from the Special Report of Ocean and Cryosphere (SROCC).
The tool has been produced by our colleagues Robin Quique, Rémi Thiéblemont and Agnès Tellez-Arenas, with support from sea-level scientists from the INSeaPTION and ECLISEA projects, as well as from the WCRP Sea-Level Grand Challenge. It uses data made available by the Integrated Data Center at the University of Hamburg in Germany (available as NetCDF datasets at We are grateful to colleagues who shared their expertise to make this tool publicly available, especially colleaguies from the Universities of Hamburg, Utrecht and NIOZ.