The transdiciplinary co-design and co-development approach adopted in INSeaPTION ensures that the project’s results deliver value to the user communities directly involved in the project. In order to add value and transfer the results to other user communities, INSeaPTION sets up a dedicated WP for disseminating results, stimulating the emergence of coastal climate services and achieving wider societal impacts within the broader framework of coastal climate services. This WP includes the delivery of the following reports and papers.
Deliverables | Description | Responsible | Updated deadline | Link |
WP0: Managment
D0.1 | Consortium agreement |
BRGM | Apr. 2018 |
Restricted |
D0.2 | Data and document sharing restricted area | Créocéan | December 2018 | Restricted |
D0.3 | Scientific, financial progress and final report | BRGM | 2018 - 2020 | Restricted |
D0.4 | Minutes of meetings and workshops | All | 2 weeks after each event | Restricted |
WP1: Global
D1.1 | Specification of global coastal climate service |
GCF et al. |
2019 |
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D1.2a | New regionalized global mean sea level projections with non-Gaussian uncertainties and extended to 2300 |
IMAU, BRGM et al. |
2018 |
Available as a web service: See SROCC report for projections to 2300 |
D1.2b | New regionalized global mean sea level projections and scenarios | IMAU, BRGM et al. | 2019-2021 | Articles providing insights into Antarctica contributions, delivering low-end projections, and insight on uncertainties and high-end scenarios. |
D1.3a | New database of coastal extreme surges with joint probabilities of surge and waves along the world coastlines |
IMEDEA, BRGM, et al. |
2019 | Available as an article, with link to data in the supplementary information. |
D1.3b | New database of coastal changes in global swells projected for the 21st century | IMEDEA et al. | 2019 | Available as an article, with link to data in the supplementary information. |
D1.3c | Updated method for assessing sea-level rise impacts on extreme water levels | IMAU, BRGM et al. | 2020 | Available as an article. |
D1.4 | New global coastal impacts projections within the DIVA coastal impact models with a global assessment of their uncertainties | GCF, BRGM et al. |
2021 |
Available as an article, with link to data in the supplementary information. Another article provides additional insights into epistemic uncertainties. |
WP2: Maldives
D2.1 | Specification of climate services |
GCF et al. |
May 2018 |
Restricted |
D2.2 | Coastal risk governance in the Maldives |
GFC et al. |
2020 | Available as an article. |
D2.3a | Impacts and adaptation pathways for the Maldives | GCF et al. |
2021 | Two applications available as article: article-1; article-2. |
D2.3b | Coastal flood modelling in the Maldives to support climate service | IMEDEA, BRGM et al. | 2021 | Available as an article. |
WP3: Polynesia
D3.1 | Specification of climate services |
BRGM et al. |
Jan. 2018 |
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D3.2 |
Coastal risk governance in French Polynesia |
LIENs et al. |
2021 |
Available as an article Article under review (Magnan et al.) |
D3.3 | Impacts and adaptation pathways for French polynesia | LIENs et al. |
2021 |
Conference paper on chronic flooding Assessment of the feasibility of within-atoll planned relocation (article in progress) Submitted article on Nature Based Solutions |
D3.4 | Virtual training material to support coastal adaptation in French Polynesia | LIENSs, BRGM and Creocean | 2021 |
WP4: framework
D4.1 | Review paper on current uses of coastal climate services |
BRGM et al. |
Dec. 2019 |
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D4.2 | Strategic framework for coastal climate services |
GCF et al. |
2019 | ![]() |
D4.3 | Internet website of the project |
Créocéan |
2017 | |
D4.4 | list of dessimination actions | BRGM et al. |
2020 | |
D4.5 | INSeaPTION services supporting other projects | BRGM et al. | 2018-2021 |
This includes: using sea-level products in Brest (France), Bengladesh, |
D4.6 | INSeaPTION contributing to new coastal adaptation approaches | All. | 2018-2021 |
This includes: advancing adaptation pathways, robust decision making approaches, and the governance of coastal adaptation. |
D4.7 | INSeaPTION supporting the salience of core services | BRGM et al. | 2020 |
Requirements from space-based services supporting coastal risks assessments. |
D4.8 | INSeaPTION contributing to the assessment of climate services for coastal adaptation to sea-level rise | BRGM et al. | 2019-2021 |
Organisation of a WCRP workshop on coastal climate services and organisation of a special issue. |